Strengthen that LES to Protect Against GERD!
The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a sphincter that connects the top of the stomach with the bottom of the esophagus. The LES first relaxes to allow food to enter the stomach. The LES then closes tightly after food enters the stomach to keep stomach acid and pepsin from traveling up the esophagus. The LES can also relax to allow air to travel out of the stomach in the form of a burp. The LES also naturally relaxes to allow vomiting. The LES must maintain proper muscle tone and pressure. Too little pressure and muscle tone, may cause reflux if increased intra-abdominal pressure or a reduction in gravity is present. For example what happens if you have a weak LES and you lay down to go to bed after eating a snack? A lack of gravity putting pressure on the sphincter from laying down may relax it and cause nighttime reflux. Finally, if the LES muscle tone is too tight and it fails to relax, it may cause a condition called achalasia. When achalasia occurs food can become stuck in the esophagus after swallowing, causing choking, regurgitation, and chest pain.1
The lower esophageal sphincter may become weakened over a period of time from:
- From consistently ingesting certain foods (peppermint, chocolate, for example)2
- Using anything that contains nicotine or caffeine3
- Certain medications including SSRI antidepressants, anticholinergic medicines, Uniphyl, sedatives, and estrogen hormonal replacement4
- Vagus nerve neruopathy5
- Upper gut dysbiosis6
- Hiatal hernia7
- Congenital malfunctioning LES.
- Obesity
If your LES is weakened, excess intra-abdominal pressure can easily push gastric contents into the esophagus causing reflux. In addition, if the LES is weakened, reflux can easily occur during sleep because of the lack of LES pressure that would normally hold gastric contents in place.8 Sleeping on your left side at night is more anatomically correct. Sleeping on your left side can increase LES pressure causing it to remain closed and help relieve nighttime reflux. Strengthening the LES is hard because there are not many exercises that can be used to straighten the sphincter (research states that breathing exercises may help). You can, however, take excess pressure off the LES and stomach physically by wearing loose clothing and by losing excess weight to help it strengthen. You can also limit foods that weaken the LES, treat SIBO, and finally attempt to switch medicines that do not weaken your LES. Some supplements can help by strengthening the LES, lower gastric pressure, and repair nerve damage. All of these suggestions should help your LES function better.
LES Protocol
- Chew your food very well before swallowing and try to eat small portions. The less your gastrointestinal system has to work in ingesting your food the better your overall digestion.
- Avoid chocolate and mint.
- NOW calcium citrate powder – 500 mg, twice a day with water.
- Jarrow R-alpha lipoic acid – one capsule twice daily with meals, do not use if you have mercury amalgams or are mercury burdened.
- Digest Gold – one with every meal.
- Pure Encapsulations – Peptic-Care ZC – one capsule with a meal, twice daily.
- Make sure you have proper stomach acid production. Try ingesting organic apple cider vinegar by adding it to some of your meals (mix in well) to provide the SCFA acetate which may help reduce uppergut overgrowth and improve LES tone.
- Do not wear tight clothing or tight belts. They put too much pressure on the LES, eventually weakening it.
- Lose excess weight if possible.
- Life Extension melatonin – one – five mg before bed, do not take such a large dose for longer than two weeks. If you require long-term melatonin supplementation reduce to one mg or less nightly, which might be safer and hopefully not cause any negative hormonal fluctuations seen with larger doses. It is best to try to maximize endogenous melatonin production.
- Uses: Help stimulate digestion, gallbladder issues, and increases digestive enzyme production.
- Brand: Nature Works Swedish Bitters, Urban Moonshine Citrus Organic Bitters, Eclectic Institute Gentian
- Side effects: RARE: Hypersensitive Allergic Reaction
- SIBO / Heartburn: Thousands Relieved Who Never Thought They Would Be
- GERD Protocol Two: Resolution of Upper Gut (H. pylori) Dysbiosis/Repairing Ulcers
- GERD Protocols Three – Six: Diet Modification, Clothing, and Posture
- GERD Protocols Seven – Eight: Strengthen LES, and Digestive Enzymes
- GERD Protocol Nine: Candida
- GERD Protocols Ten – Eleven: Constipation Relief and Salt!
- GERD Protocols Twelve – Thirteen: Hiatal Hernias and Squatting!
- GERD Protocol Fourteen: Parasites
- Beers, Mark, The Merck Manual, Merck Research Laboratories, 2006. ↩
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- Beers, Mark, The Merck Manual, Merck Research Laboratories, 2006. ↩
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If all else fails to relieve LES problems, try supplemental melatonin:
Calcium citrate, in theory, should strengthen the LES when it comes into direct contact with it. This can happen when you drink the calcium mixed with water in a powder. One of calcium’s roles in the body is to be used as a toner in muscle contractions. Calcium citrate strengthening the LES is just a theory, no in vivo studies have been done. 9
R-lipoic acid has multiple benefits in the body but in this role it works by ensuring that the LES has little nerve damage and also strengthens the vagus nerve.10
Digestive enzymes help break down the food in the stomach, which reduces gas and pressure on the LES.
Melatonin has been shown to increase LES tone and pressure. The hormone that is produced during sleep is also a strong antioxidant that can lower inflammation and promote healing. Also, melatonin reduces stomach acid and gastrin production while we sleep.11 12 13 14 15
Restore Digestive Enzyme Production!
Take one capsule of Enzymedica Digest Gold at the start of a meal (twice a day) to help with digestion and food breakdown if you have infrequent indigestion. Digest Gold contains an optimal blend of different digestive and systemic enzymes as well as a blend of different amylases, proteases, cellulases, and lipases. Enzymedica has added ATPro to their enzyme, which is a blend of supplements and magnesium that can help stimulate pepsin and gastric acid production by increasing ATP production. Enzymedica has found a way to help the body naturally increase stomach acid without having to use betaine HCL or pepsin directly. I do not recommend that people with mercury amalgams or people who are mercury burdened supplement with Digest Gold because of the ALA (alpha lipoic acid) in ATPro. If you are suffering from a mercury burden or have mercury amalgams I cannot recommend Digest Gold because the ALA might improperly mobilize mercury, instead I recommend you use Gutzyme. Adenosine triphosphate is a form of energy that the body produces but is also important in the regulation of the timing of the digestive system.
Digestive enzymes should not be taken indefinitely unless needed (an example of when needed would be if you had a poorly functioning pancreas, liver, or you have had a cholecystectomy). A better suggestion would be for you to train your body to produce more digestive enzymes and make sure your liver/gallbladder/pancreas function is optimal. You can train your body to make greater amounts of digestive enzymes and help your organs function better by using Swedish bitters.
Swedish bitters (gentian)
Swedish bitters are different mixture of different herbs depending on the brand. Your average Swedish bitter tonic can be used to help stimulate digestion and even help the body make natural digestive enzymes. Swedish bitter herbs help stimulate digestion and help maintain proper gallbladder function and gastric emptying.
Gentian is a bitter herb from a plant native to China and is used in most digestive bitter formulas. Gentian has been shown to help ease gallbladder issues and indigestion. It helps increase appetite, stimulates the production of digestive juices, increases pancreatic activity, and boosts blood supply to the digestive organs. It also is known to stimulate the flow of bile as well. If you have an ulcer do not use gentian, it can irritate it!
Out of the three recommend digestive enzymes I recommend Urban Moonshine Citrus because of the edition of D-limonene. Do not use any digestive bitter supplement that contains alcohol if you have severe gastritis or a ulcer. Urban moonshine offers a digestive bitter supplement that uses apple cider vinegar instead of alcohol that you might be able to tolerate if you have gastritis or an ulcer.
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Dear John, I have read your book many times and seem to be unable to understand what is going on with my stomach I am 31 year old female suffering for many months now. I have implemented zinc carnosine, magnesium, l glutamine, enzymedica enzymes, probiotics, I just ordered melatonin to my country. I can barely eat anything but some juice and soup and that still gives me issues. Everything I put on my stomach just sits there and gives me tremendous nausea and gas and my throat feels like closing, I even avoid water as much as possible.
Biopsy for H pylori came back negative, doctors in my country prescribed Levosulpiride and I felt like I got my life back, but then I started menstrual bleeding for many many days and I have a autoimmune condition called vulvar lichen sclerosis so I couldn’t take it anymore, they changed it to Metoclopramide, which not only didn’t work but made me feel worst I also read in your book it was quite dangerous but I was desperate.
Levolsupiride has some kind of effect on relaxing the LES so that makes me think that it may be my issue. It is very confusing if the problem is that my LES is too relaxed or too tight and how to try some natural way of getting better. Any insight would be greatly appreciated ?
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Great thread! Can I kindly request a copy of the book, Mr. Brisson? Email provided on the form. Thanks!
This is a very informative article. Thanks for posting this. By the way, I would just like to know if there are some natural alternatives to supplements to strengthen LES. Thank you!
John, I have a constant sour taste in my mouth! I’ve had every test you can think of. No answers. Sinoplasty, no help. Prevacid 2ce daily no heartburn still sour taste. Please help I’m desperate!!! Thanks
Are you still dealing with the sore taste in your mouth? have you found any answers. I have this every day, nexium don’t do anything for the sour taste, it just help with heartburn. any advice would be appreatiate. Thank you!
Hi Nick. Sorry you having that experience. Just would like to share with you. That usually family Docs sent for GI Series tests for what you describe. If they do that is safe tests However, if Docs refer you to take Endoscopy/gastroscopy (invasive)procedures, please think it over very very seriously. You may want to read of the horrible damages occured to my Sphincters in such Endoscopy tests, I have shared. This is under my name Ram. I fogot to add in there. That in 2012 the Specialist Doc diagnosed and treated me for H. Pylori.
I drank three courses of H Pac medicationsthis Doc prescribed. I think was 3 Antibiotics and Acid Blocker abiut 4 or 5 pills togerher twice a day. The treatment didnt work upto 3 repeats. So in 2013 my Family Doctor suggested that I try only the Anti Biotics. Without the Acid Blocker in the H PAC set. That was the answer in my case. I stopped all the Doctors pills and switched to natural herbal remedies. Which worked like magic. If you read what I shared earlier you can see the types of foods I was able to eat again, all that, the Doc said to stop taking. I was able to eat anything comfortably and with good digestion too. For 5 years I did not went back to the Doc for anything. I was fine without his pills. Then in 2018 ( 5 yrs later ) as I explained I felt a pain at my lower sternum only. That went away after I had breakfast. For this, the Specialist asked me in sly manner I recall, ” In 2013 last time I saw you, you had H Pylori, but now, (2018 ) you dont have H. Pylori, what were you taking?” Then, I made the mistake of my Life. I trusted that elderly ( seem around 80 yrs old ) Doctor. I told him that I realised I had a digestion problem that when I ate heavy meals like meat, I took a Betaine hydrochloric chlorhydrate pill. Then that Doc got upset and said why did you take an Acid. Afterwards he said he was referrijg me to take an endoscopy tests. I should have been more apprehensive n never follow his order. He orchestrated the secret operations ( criminal assaul) done on both of my Sphincters, above and below my Stomach sack. As I explained in my shared comment. I hope and wish to save others from so innocently getting victimised in those endoscopies / gastroscopies tests.
Hi John,
I’ve had a lump in the throat feeling for 20 months. Came out of the blue – at first I thought thyroid so had an ultra sound and bloodwork – 2 tiny nodules that they said were “a dime a dozen and not to worry about” – bloodwork fine. Then had blood work for h pylori – negative and D, B12 and a lot of other stuff. My iodine was low – but everything else in range. Kept reading and wondered about low stomach acid (I had been drinking alkaline water for 3 years before this and wondered if that had any effect) – so stopped that. Also tried the HCL “test” but when I got to 6 pills and didn’t feel burning I stopped. Tried a 2 week parasite cleanse, chiropractor (thinking something was pressing against something it shouldn’t), medical massages, adding ACV and lemon water. Nothing changed. Then I read something about LPR and the Acid watchers diet around the same time – I’ve always eaten lots of spicy foods – I love garlic and onions – so wondered if that was it. I also saw the theory thinking it’s too many carbs and too much fiber – I’ve been a vegetarian for 11 years and eat almost entirely carbs and fiber – so thinking it could be feeding bad bacteria and expanding causing pressure. I’ve had the 2 different Barium swallow tests and all they showed was acid reflux. Been to 3 ENTs who just suggested raising the head of the bed, cutting the usual triggers and stopping eating 3 hours before bed, and taking Gaviscon Advanced. All of which I’ve done. I also take probiotics and enzymes and recently added d Lemonine and L glutamine – and a small glass of celery juice. I spend all my free time researching but so many things contradict each other. I’ve lost weight and only way 97lbs – so I hesitate to go on a juice or water fast to “reset” anything – I take a handful of other vitamins too. Can you read thru this a pull out what I should keep – or stop or add?
I advise you read Anthony Williams books, especially ‘Liver Rescue’. Explains a lot
Nancy ,
This could help. Ive been experiencing the same plus bile reflux. After extensive research and experimentation. Ive realised that anxiety can trigger these symptoms. Try adressing any stress or anxiety issues you may have by supplementing with medication to see what happens.
Nancy – I am in the same situation. Did you find a soluton?
I have no burning due to Nexium but I have a constant sour foul taste in my mouth. I just had a sinoplasty to rule out drainage. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions as to how to stop it. Everyone says Gerd !
Hi Nick you are the first person to say you have the sour taste in your mouth, I have had this for 18months now so can sympathize with you entirely. I am hospital again on Thursday afternoon, had an upper endoscopy last September and was diagnosed with a small hiatius hernia and gerd! I constantly chew chewing gum (which I have always hated) and I am always cleaning my teeth which seems to help for a wee while then then it’s back! My whole life is on hold because of this nasty symptom. I never have pain and no heartburn anymore as I take Ompeprozole and Peptac, I will update after I have been to the hospital with the ramification. Take care
hi lynn, are you still having your sour taste in the mouth? have you found any a answers?i have this every day and nexium doesn’t do anything for my sour taste? any advice would be appreciated. thanks!
Hi. Reading your comments. I experienced the same fouls sour taste and severe burning fying up to my throat. Also downwards into my navel area and into my intestines. Then across to far right of my belly button a bit higher above. Seem my Rt Kidney and gall bladder areas…Pains deep inside. Now all the above burnings and pains only erupted after I had an endoscopy/gastroscopy tests. Before the Gastroscopy this was my situation: I went to my family Doctor in the first place because when I woke up in the mornings I was experiencing a burning pain in lower sternum ( bottom of my chest ). There was no burnings or any problem below my diaphram. Theh after I had breakfast all the burning pains were gone. All day I was fine. I could have eaten anything. Hot Thai Chillies, coffee, Rum, Pizza, Curries. All spicy foods or anything. I went to bed T nights without any pain and fell asleep in about t mins or less at times. Then I when I woke up again next morning the burning pains came. It happened only in the bottom of my chest.Lower Sternum. So my family Doc sent me for a GI series tests. I.e the barium tests and exrays. The tests came up No Acid Reflux, No H Pylori, no Gastritis, No ulcer. Duodenum bulb fine and peristalsis all fine. My Fam Doc then referred me to a specialist. Despite the GI series showed no problem the specialist sent me to have the Endoscopy tests. That day after said invasive procedure, and when I woke up from the anesthesia /sleep, I saw they were giving me Saline. Two bags saline. They put on a chair for about one hour before sent me home. At home I noticed from my diaphram to my belly button swollen. Severe burnings ran up my whole stomach chest and to my throat. At the same time down into my intestines and all the areas I described earlier in this post. When, I only had experienced a burning pain in my Lower sternum, before that endoscopy. That Endoscopist criminally assaulted my Sphincters both end of my stomach. To damage my Sphincters. He also inflicted cuts around my gall bladder and the bile ducts area. I feel strongly that they did this sabotage because they are into stealing my stem cells. I believe that it is in these endoscopy tests the Doctors ( after putting people to sleep ) willfully assault and harm people s LES to cause improper closing. Also similarly they inflict harm to our digestive organs nerve, vagus nerve etc. This way, the Doc keep people hooked on the pills and at the clinics.
Hi Lynn. I had also the endoscopy tests. Before that tests I went in to the Doc for a pain at my lower sternun only. When I woke up. No other problem… Nothing half way up my chest nor below my diaphram. After I had breakfast the pain in my lower sternum dissappeared and I was fine all day n went to bed fell asleep all fine during the nights. Then after the endoscopy tests. That same day I felt like fire running downwards into my intestines and upwards to my throat. With nasty taste in my mouth. I had about 5 Ultrasound tests after from that 2018 to now 2020. In an earlier Ultrasound tests, the tech person while taking images, asked me if I had a gall bladder surgery.
I said no. She replied, you didnt, it shows like you had a gall bladder surgery. I tried to ask questions then she pleaded that she was not supposed to tell me anything n I empathised for her job sake. I was able to have other Docs referred me for follow up Ultrasounds but all hiding this and keeping the damage down. Just suffering each day all after evils done in Endoscopy tests. Many people benefit from Gerd symptoms way better off using natural digestion and Alkalising herbs n remedies. I wish you all the best for a speedy healing.
Came across your blog to do some heavy research on what my options are. I’m a rare breed and honestly not many dr’s or natural doctors offer much hope for me. Its depressing. I have years of extensive research on Achalasia. Which is what I have. Primary Achalasia. Here is a quick timeline. What are my options?
This is my diagnosis.
2004: Diagnosed with Primary Achalasia
2005: Surgery= Heller Myotomy with a partial wrap LES completely removed. GERD for the rest of my life! Took Prevacid for 7 years straight. Stopped in 2013.
2017= Esophageal strictures as a result of complications from 2005 surgery. Opening at 4mm.
2018= 5 endoscopies with dilations later, esophagus at 16.5mm. 15mg of Prevacid for my entire life (dr wanted 60mg a day, I said hell no) with no options and routine dilation upkeep every 6 months. Weight is now 94lbs up from 88lbs from strictures. I’m already tiny to begin with, and 100lbs is usually my normal weight. I’m 46 years old.
I refuse to live my life like this.
How do I stop the Prevacid for good, not have a routine dilation every 6 months, keep my strictures gone forever? Trust me I’ve tried just about everything on the market today both prescription and non.
Ever try peppermint oil?
Achalasia is in my book, send me an email at and I will send you a free copy.
Hi John,
Have purchased your book and in the process of reading diligently. An endoscopy in January revealed Esophagitis/Gastritis/Hiatal Hernia. A biopsy taken shows: fragments of esophageal squamo-columnar mucosa w/moderate chronic active reflux esophagitis; patchy intestinal metaplasia is present (Barrett’s esophagus); negative for dysplasia. My throat feels as though a fire is raging and I hear gurgling and have a vile almost rotten taste in the back of my throat constantly. Gallbladder removed 4 years ago, and seems as though everything started to go downhill since then. ENT diagnosed Silent reflux, but advised follow up with gastroenterologist. Thinking I should follow the GERD and LERD chapters in your book, but without the gallbladder, are there any supplements I should not be taking. Thank you in advance and bless you for helping so many of that are being confused by specialists advice.
HI John what can you recommend to fix my LES SPLINCTER and would this be a permanent solution
Hi John,
I have a small Hiatal hernia, along with Les sphincter.
What would be your solution.
John sir, I have diagonsed LAX LES, can you please send me the information book about LES strengthening to my email – Thank you.
I received an upper endoscopy over the summer and was diagnosed with gastritis and esophagitis, and therefore GERD which was causing the esophagitis. I took omeprazole for about a month before I stopped due to the side effects and anxiety I was feeling. It worked to suppress the symptoms, but I did not believe it was fixing the problem and it made me feel bad overall. I am now looking for natural treatments to cure these issues.
Will following this article to build up my LES fix my GERD and therefore the inflammation in my esophagus, or will this not be enough? If not, what else should I try?
I had silent reflux, I went for an endoscopy, and I was told I had h pylori bacteria and was prescribed with pantropazol with two other antibiotics for 10 days. This did not help, I have been using jarrows limonene to protect my esophagus,I don’t know how long I can stay on this, lately I burp a lot which also causes the reflux. Prior to the reflux I had constipation but have stayed on psyllium husk and flaxseed which helps me to go daily. I m not over weight, I exercise a lot and eat healthy, and I don’t drink or smoke. I really help !!!
Just sharing my experience. Hope some ideas can pass on. 2010 to 2013 Docs treated me for Acid reflux. The pills made me worse no relief. Between that time Docs gave me about 4 endoscopy. In Nov 2013 the Specialist sent me for another endoscopy. There the Gastroscopist Doc added another test and persuaded me to take colonoscopy at the same time with the endoscopy. Later that afternoon while at home I felt new and strange pains that were severe, running from my large intestines and pelvic area, down to underneath my testicles, and into my legs. From both lt n rt sides. After 5 to 10 minutes I could not stand up on my feet. I had to sit down. I rushed to emergency hospital. The Doc at Emerg sent me back to my family Doc. All said I was fine that my colonoscopy tests showed no problem. The Docs didnt not deal the fact the pains and apparent damage came about only after the colonoscopy procedure itself. They left me with the new pains untreated. Kept saying the procedures were simple and no complications. Meantime I was suffering and crying. On using the toilet to defecate I passed Blood. The liquid in toilet bowl insode became totallly laced deep r red. No Doc treatment received all that time of suffering. I used herbal remedies myself. Such as Golden Seal root powder.n Olive leaf powder in half cup warm water. Bentonite clay in water. Strong Ginger n Tumeric in hot water teas. Mastica Chios capsules. Slippery Elm powder. I also made digestion teas from natural seeds: Cumin, caraway, dill, anise, fennel. Also garlic. and blue green algae. All with my food. Licore root also. Aloe Vera leaf gel. Apple cider vinegar. I treated both the acid reflux The Docs said I had and also the new problem they dug up and inflicted inside of me in that Colonoscopy assault. For this latter, The bentonite clay, Olive leave, Golden seal n tumeric worked like antibiotic and healer for the wounds that son of a devil secretly inflicted. I then realised that the specialist Doctor, was secretly organised together with the gastroscopists, doing harm to my LE sphincter in the endoscopies. Since no pills othey gave me ever helped ease the the Acid Reflux. This has been their money making scam organised crime done under bad n wronful endoscopies. Used to whack, harm and compromise my LE sphincter ( to weaken n damage). To keep the cause of the burning pains secret and tell me it was the stomach producing too much Acid. So they had to block the stomach pumps. When infact THEY, endoscopists/gastroscopists know where and how to use the endoscope share to sprawl Sphincters and injure nerves in digestive organs. That way create the volcano acids to flare burn and reflux. They had me hooked for ongoing visits and got fed PPIs. Until after, the criminals for Doctors in healthcare, who are filthy rich from these Evils, victimization they do to innocent people, attacked me while I slept under anesthesia, from the other end /colonoscopy. Same way they created fire and blood to run downwards out my innocent bum. It was definitely, similar crime they had been doing in the endoscopies to send fire upwards. The task of getting help with this suffering, is best sought by healing and strenghtening the sphincter, cell nerves and Vagus Nerve as well. Good luck everyone.
Hi ive been suffering from chronic burping for many years. Last endoscopy showed a contracting LES. My symptoms are constant burping with or without meals, pressure in my chest thats only relieved by burping, inflammed throat, Constant lightheadedness with feeling of blocked ears. I never get heartburn . Drs prescribe me nexium which i really don’t think is doing anything. In the past taking digestive enzymes has offered relief. Currently breastfeeding and not sure what is safe to take.
Hello, I was under the impression that calcium citrate tightens an LES sphincter so as to avoid acid reflux, presumably due to a relaxed/ weak LES. If one has achalasia (for example) and an already tight LES sphincter, is calcium citrate then not contraindicated?
Correct, people with achalasia might do better with dilluted peppermint oil and magnesium to help the LES relax properly. The LES is supposed to relax properly and also increase tone. Most people with reflux suffer from too much abdominal pressure, which leads to a weakened LES causing reflux.
It is yes, magnesium might be better to help it relax properly.
I have both the swallowing difficulties and GERD. I have been told that my manometry tests show “High basal LES pressure with incomplete relaxation during swallows and poor amplitude of contraction in the esophagus…” As I understand my doctor this means that I have dysphagia because my tense LES does not allow the food to travel to the stomach making it stuck in the esophagus and that I have GERD when the stomach acid enters into the esophagus to try to digest the stuck food (when my LES is relaxed ??). I am confused first on how the LES can be both tense and relaxed and secondly whether to use magnesium to relax the LES or to use calcium to strengthen the LES (it appears to me that using both could cancel each supplement’s effect). Please help.
I have a very similar situation to Leta above which started 2.5 yrs ago. I was diagnosed with Dysphagia and a very slightly increased LES air pressure where food doesn’t pass into stomach at normal pace bc my LES is too tight. My food sometimes gets held up but it always eventually passes, but is uncomfortable while it sits in my chest. I have GERD and acid reflux too and was on Esomezeprazole for a year plus, but I took myself off to fix myself naturally. I get esophageal spasms only now after a dilation a couple years ago which magnesium helps with, but it comes back if I don’t take magnesium. I have a great diet of daily bone broth to rebuild gut, lots of alkaline foods, vegetables and wild blueberries, bananas, spinach, coconut oil, daily carrot, celery or other green juice, ginger/ turmeric, salmon, etc. I’m also addressing my stress and anxiety levels and serotonin / GABA levels with some prescribed supplements, plus doing acupuncture weekly for help with digestion. I know I can heal this permanently and believe this is largely stress related.
What do you suggest for healing protocol, John? I truly believe the body can heal itself and never want to get any procedures, surgeries or be on meds again. Thank you for your help!
This is exactly what I have what supplement are you taking to help control the stress is it a natural supplement ?
I have had a constant manufactured cough and forced clearing of nose, throat and/or chest for the last 50 years. The activity produces clear mucus on occasion but most often produces thick phlegm that varies in shades of green.
I force the cough throughout the day but, is most prevalent for the first 2-3 hours after I awake.
I do not have the need to clear when I sleep and I hardly ever have any heartburn.
The mucus is often produced after I eat or drink something and/or when I talk. I feel the mucus in my lower throat and around my vocal cords. The compulsion to bring it up and out of my chest/throat is overwhelming.
At times it feels like at little bit of what I swallow does not go all the way to my stomach and gets trapped by some pasty substance in my upper throat.
The mucus then seems to gather around my vocal cords and/or from my upper chest area. On rare occasions it feels like it comes from deeper down my esophagus.
I normally do not have any “heartburn”. Whenever I do get heartburn it is usually associated with food such as pretzels or when I swallow down the “wrong pipe”.
My father and mother had this same thing going on and both my sons seem to have started with the throat clearing activity.
Specific Forms of Discharge
In the morning hours I usually generate the phlegm buy snorting back mucus from my nasal and sinus passages. On occasion the phlegm/mucus does come out when I blow my nose but it is never enough to prevent the need for additional cleansing. Subsequent to this first episode of the day I have the urge to cough and/or force clear which brings up the rest of the discharge. This mucus and/or phlegm are green in color.
After eating or drinking anything I will often feel as though I have mucus in my lower throat around where my vocal cords exist. I will either need to cough to bring up the mucus or I will get it up by vigorously clearing my throat and/or chest. This mucus is usually a light green or white in color.
At various times during the day I will have a deep wet productive cough either while I am talking or when I am moving around in some fashion. This deep cough usually brings up a lot of dark green phlegm.
Less frequently, I will have a dry tickle in my throat or the feeling that I have mucus in my lower throat or in my chest. I have to work hard to manufacture a cough or a vigorous throat clearing to bring up dark green (almost black) phlegm.
Can you recommend any plan of action to combat this condition ? I’ve seen four ENT’s and had countless tests performed on my sinuses and vocal cords to no avail. Three lengthy PPI treatments, nasal sprays and diet changes have produced absolutely no results.
My dd has the same issues. All allergy related but reflux will get worse during allergy season due to the extra histamine load in the environment. You could have indoor air pollution allergies on top of outdoor pollen so make sure to take our all frangranced soaps, any candles, wax burners, plug in air fresheners. Also, avoid perfumes. All these things can trigger allergies and ultimately sinus issues. The green means you have infections. I have been using with great success garlic oil drops in my dd’s ears and the ear canals connect with sinus canals and throat. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and I have reversed sinus infections with her this way. She has even been running 102+ degree fevers with the sinus infections. We do about 3 drops in each ear 2 x a day. One of those times at bedtime. We put cotton balls in ears to prevent any leakage on pillowcase. Also, When she starts getting the itchy throat, we do flonase nasal spray 2 x a day, and add in zyrtek. You may need more coverage and be careful with generic versions as sometimes they do not work 1/2 as well, or at all as the name brand H1 allergy medicin. If you can use a netti pot or sinus rinse this should help alot also. Unfortunately, for my dd nothing comes out, it gets stuck somewhere in her sinuses that won’t flush it out. For my son though, they work like a charm. Make sure to only use Distilled water only in these though and not water from your sink or any other bottled waters. Also, if you can get to an allergist, and get skin tested this may help pinpoint triggers down for you. My kids have outdoor allergies, but also mold, dustmites, cats, dogs, and my dd cockroaches. With cochroach allergy you need not have any bugs around, it’s their saliva that has the allergenic protein in it and it’s invisible to see. And cochroaches love cardboard, so get rid of most cardboard storing boxes. Go with plastic as a safety measure. Also, there is an allergic condition called EOE, which an allergist vs ENT would help diagnose or confirm. Hope this all helps!!!!
Hi my name is trevor im 23 and had a intestinal liver and pancreas transplant everything is going good except im constantly nauseated cant eat verry much at a time which makes it impossible to get the nutrition i need they did a scope and said my esophagus was verry inflamed and my sphincter didnt open and close like it should im takin 40 mg proteomics twice a day
But it dont seem to be helping if i can keep food or drink down long enuff to get past the esophagus and sphincter i can usaly keep it down but i have bad heartburn and nausea till it moves through i would do anything to fix this problem any advise would be great can you please help me oh and i have a plurex tube i drain about 500 out of every day the doctors are hopeing it will just get better on its own and i also still have a colostomy and elyostomy bag till they reconnect my intestines in about 3 more months but if you can help me with my esophagus and sphincter that would be great thank you
I would try ginger, a Squatty Potty, and apple cider vinegar Urban Moonshine bitters to help improve digestion. Maybe try zinc carnosine for the nausea as well. As your doctor about the recommendations. Good luck!
What do you recommend for a hiatal hernia?
It depends on the cause of your hernia. If you are overweight, loosing some weight and strengthening your abdominal muscles with a physical therapist may help. Getting a chiropractor to message the hernia back in place might help as well. Finally, make sure you have adequate stomach acid production and chew your food really well to prevent stomach bloating.
I have a chronic cough and burping with no heartburn. I was prescribed Dexilant 60mg by Gastro. This does not help. Please advise
Is the pH of Calcium citrate too acidic? I am curious to try the calcium citrate powder, but considering issues I have with reflux, and irritation in my larynx/throat, I am skeptical to try.
Would something like calcium carbonate be better? Or is there something inherently valuable with the calcium bonded to citric acid?
Thank you.
Calcium is a pretty basic mineral, so the addition to citric acid to form citrate should not make it acidic if at all. Calcium carbonate is absorbed less, so it may not work as well. It is possible, that citrate can feed certain organisms, and that is what creates irritation from increased endotoxin production.
Hi John:
I am a 64 yr. old female that has suffered with acid reflux for 20 years.
The last 8 years I have had no relief – ppi’s and zantac do not work for me anymore. I have severe bloating and my nights are terrible – I have so much mucus in my throat and stomach that I bring it up all day. I have tried all of your suggestions above except the zinc carnosine which I will certainly buy and try.
Would it be possible to get a copy of your fix your gut book – I am so tired of being ill, I don’t remember what it is to be well, it has been so long. I haven’t gotten any help from doctors. I promised myself that this year I would do anything to get better so your book may well help me with that. I would like to try your protocol.
Thank you for listening. One thing that I noted to myself was I take 3mg of melatonin nightly for about 5 years and have so many hot flashes at night. Your article said that melatonin can cause hormone fluctuations. Thanks for that info. Keep up the good work in helping all us sick people.
Your problem is inflammation of the LES. This is a symptom of an underlying cause that the modern medical industry is absolutely stupid on and I can offer a product that will provide temporary relief long enough for you to experiment on a better solution. Use Black Caraway seed from
This product is best explained here:
Your problem explained:
Ultimately your inflammation is a symptom as most acid reflux suffers (I myself included) have been through. Usually we take anti-acids and N2 blockers as a result of burping or the like and in the process make it worse by damaging a part of our system that then puts our body into an immune system defense mode that causes gastritous. Usually this inflammation prevents the production of acid as a reflux causing Hypochlorhydria and then when we don’t digest food and the vicious cycle leads to gullstones, malnutrition, and bacterial overgrowth. I’m suggesting you take Nigella Sativa because if you don’t have a Hiatal Hernia than the cause is that your LES needs to relax for temporary relief. A strong probiotic with this can help but you’ll need one with 430ish strains and a billion bacteria class which are in the 40$ range. You’ll have to choke out the H. Pylori the PPI put in your stomach before acid can start producing again. The Nigella Sative will relax the LES and help you produce more acid, but you will still be malnourished from the lack of acid so you’ll need an acid pill temporarily to kill the H. Pylori. Take a probiotic an hour before breakfast in the morning, then take an acid pill with your meal (you can read on proper dosaging of HCL w/Pepsin online). After you’ve eaten and taken an acid pill take 2 Nigella Sative pills with that meal. Then do the same thing with the acid and Nigella sative pills the following 2 meals, but limit the probiotic to once a day an hour before your meal for 2 or 3 days. Once the H. Pylori is out of your system and your biological eco system is restored you will need to find a solution to your gastritis by experimenting with a colon cleanse and if that doesn’t get rid of your acid reflux and relieve the pressure over your les, attempt your liver and gullbladder with himalaya liver care, and then if that doesn’t help dgl. There are a few other suggestions, but that is the best process I have found to out right cure acid reflux for non colon cancer/hiatal hernia patients. PPI’s are the Devil.
Worst case scenario is you live the rest of your life on Nigella Sative oil or pills, but it’s rare to see people not outright cured once they find what is causing the stomach inflammation and pushing the les back in having it. Get well soon!
Note on a misspelling, you’ll need a probiotic with 30 to 40 strains not 430. My apologize for the typ-o. The refrigerated ones are always better and ultimately the more good bacteria cultures per serving the better.
This information is very interesting. Will it work too for people with hiatal hernia?
I too have Hiatal Hernia, as well as low esophageal motility and an ineffective LES. Could you please send me your information as well? Thank you!
There is a new procedure where a doctor puts a manetic ring at the lower esopagus. It is much easier to do than the old surgery
When it comes to strengthening the LES, does the use of calcium citrate have any health risks?
How long are you supposed to use it for? Is it supposed to be used indefinitely?
I am 35yrs young female dealing with gastrointestinal issues such as cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and pain as well as diagnosed with Antral Gastritis and all of this started in 2011 but diagnosed in 2015. I have seen doctor after doctor for help and a few gastroenterologist and none really cared to listen or do exams to check until my upper abd became swollen. I have only been told to take pantoprozole and antacids like pepcid and they don’t work. I am very stressed out and have become depressed dealing with this and thinking of the long term effect of what could happen if not treated. I have both left and right upper abdominal pain and fluttering in upper abdominal area below breast on top of rib cage, heartburn, belching, bloating, feeling of fullness after eating small meal, nausea, feeling of a knot in throat when I swallow, and sometimes feels like my throat is closing. The left side of my upper abd, right unerneath my breast/immediately below rib looks swollen and higher than the right side. I lost my job and I feel like I am running out of options, God and my kids(single parent) are my inspiration to keep fighting.My mother helps me with digestive supplements whenever she’s able to and I am trying. Please, can you email me any information that I can help. I would really and truly appreciate it. Thank you for your time, I appreciate you and what you are doing to help others. God bless you
Hi Shantae my english is not good but i try to Help you! because you have a kid and you are single parents. try this method buy guava leaf and make boil this guava leaf into pot for 5 minutes and drink this delay it will help you, for acid reflux stop taking medcation, it might affect your other parts of your body is not good. maybe it become worse, the guava leaf help me every single day!!! no hear burn i can sleep better for 6 months no hearburn in my chest, in philippines we use this guava leaf for hair problem and highblood etc, and dont forget to pray our god jesus may help you!
i forgot to tell i can eat normal food rice fish or bread but i avoid, the spicy tomatoes ctirus coffe,
The swelling of your abdomen sounds like a hernia. I’ve had GERD for a year. The doctor and naturopath both overlooked the hernia that the osteopath could feel immediately. Being under stress as a single parent, and trying to move things without help, etc. is a great way to get a hernia!
I have been diagnosed with grade A esophagus ‘and mild gastritis on endoscopy.I have severe burping and it stops only during sleep and bolting and mild burning sensation present always… kindly help me…, for the esophagus, DGL and slippery elm tea may help. Look into having H. pylori overgrowth.
I have had heartburn for almost 4 years now and cannot seem to find anything to relieve it. I have tired zinc carnosine, glutamine, slippery elm, aloe, DGL, mastic gum, zantac, gavisocn, apple cider vinegar, betaine ccl, digestive enzymes, gluten free & dairy free diet, no acidic foods etc. I am so desperate for any advice any one might have. I have it every single day…generally it gets worse throughout the day and is unbearable by night time.
Fast for 4 days. Don’t eat at all! This will allow stomach to reset. Drink lots of water. Then eat only veggies and protein. Very small meals. I started with rice and green veggies. Avoid dairy, gluten, soy, sugars, and night shades like potato-tomatoe- eggplant. No sugars is important! No bread, no pasta, no tortilla, no pancakes, etc. No carbs that turn into sugar, or else this won’t work. Use healthy fats and oils. Coconut oil helped me immensely. This protocol changed my life. Also enzymes! Don’t eat anything from a box! When the ingredients are longer than the bill of rights, it’s bull. Eat home prepared fresh food. No sugars or fruit for three months. It totally worked for me. Ever time I caved in and had that pizza and bread and burger for a few days my symptoms returned. I would start again. This happened 3 times and I realized I was tired of the agony. You can do it!
I agree with Leslie’s diet. The same diet helped me. Sugar and bread were big at making me burp and burp and burp. I tried to introduce them back over and over again, but every time my body said, “I don’t think so, burp, burp, burp. Not worth the trouble. I called my diet the low FODMAP Paleo diet.
Maybe look into increasing vitamin D endogenously and working on sleep hygiene. This may help to reduce inflammation and any overgrowth you may have contributing to your heartburn.
Have you been checked to see if your les valve is functioning properly?
Sir i have GERD problem and i have chest and stomach burn and throat scratch plz suggest me diet and some medicine it 4 months old and look into using zinc carnosine. Avoid chocolate and citrus fruits.
I forgot to mention that I am 65-years-old. I also want to know if pure organic cocoa is as bad as chocolate. I use just a little of it in with some coconut flakes and ground nuts for a dessert, or even just a sprinkle of it in my tea.
Thank you,
August Roussel
Yes, cocoa would be as bad as chocolate.
John, for a number of years(5?), I’ve had a problem that I called walking heartburn. Essentially, every time I walk for more than a block, I would start to feel painful soreness in my chest, shoulder blades, arms, even a little bit in what I think is the eustachian tube. But as soon as I stop walking the pain would go away. Until this year, I was always able to get immediate relief by ingesting 600+ milligrams of simethicone. For the longest time simethicone did the trick of making me an able-bodied, brisk walker and worker…. But then something happened during the summer of 2016, while I had spent nearly two weeks watching both the Democratic National Convention and the Repubilcan National Convention, and I was doing nothing but sitting in front of the computer watching everything for those few weeks.
I began to get the severe heartburn while laying in bed at night–something I had never experienced before–and I found my arms and chest burning and I found it took a longer time of sitting upright to cause the pain to subside. On top of that, the simethicone wasn’t working anymore. To make a long story short, I discovered that ingesting a goodly amount of ginger(one ounce or more, with plenty of water behind it) took care of the pain, at least until the next meal(I also noticed a heartburn effect if I tried to take a walk after eating since those two convention weeks.). I am at a point where I am relying on making ginger “pudding” daily, which is nothing more than an ounce of ginger mixed with water and nuked for four to five minutes, that I eat with a spoon and more water to chase it down before it can be tasted by my tongue. It works, and I am happy that I have not had to go back to simethicone, but it seems like I can get away from it–I eat ginger continuously, in my tea, in some meals, etc. My doctor only wanted to treat me for a heart condition, but I can’t buy that, not after the success I’ve had and continue to have(my blood pressure last time was 144/80 and it has been dropping steadily, and I have been managing to lose weight steadily.) If it is a gerd problem, the only problem I have is the soreness I feel–no regurgitation or direct stomach problems or anything else except a good round of burping that the ginger seems to bring on. When I am not feeling any pain, I want to walk briskly and ride my bicycle fast, and do occasional physical labor tasks to the best of my ability. Needless to say, I have not been having the nighttime gerd problem much, although I still feel it slightly for an odd moment or so. All the othe spices you can think of, even the calcium citrate, has not made any noticeable difference. My question is can I go on relying on massive consumption of ginger without any serious side-effects? Is there anything about my condition that tells you something that I have not detected and need to look at?
The ginger is increasing gastric emptying and decreasing inflammation. Maybe ask your healthcare professional about zinc carnosine?
I did ask my healthcare professional about zinc carnosine, and she said she could not make any recommendations about non-traditional medicines(or words to that effect, I can’t remember exactly). I am interested in giving zinc carnosine a try and I would like a suggestion as to what on line, over the counter (organic, hopefully)product you would recommend, especially if it is just zinc carnosine and nothing else.
I do want to mention though, that I do not feel any pain in my stomach–It’s only right from the LES valve where it radiates into my chest, arms, neck…as soon as a start running around–and I like to run around–that’s when I feel pressure from my stomach, but as soon as I clear the gas from my stomach the pain is all gone. It seems that a good dose of ginger does the trick in quelling the pain, and contrary to what I said in my first email to you, calcium citrate also seems to help(I realized that it did as I starting taking several level teaspoons daily.) I also consume several teaspoons of turmeric daily, but I can’t sense if it is really helping. Do I really need to try zinc carnosine? Phazyme Gas & Acid(Simethicone & Calcium Carbonate) is the good old standby for an emergency, but I don’t want to treat just the symptoms–I want to fix my gut, as you say. Will zinc carnosine help control the bacteria that produce the excess stomach gas? Or will I have to give up some cherished whole grain carbs to control the bacteria’s gas? Even ginger and calcium citrate leave me wondering if I am only treating the symptoms, not the causes. :et me thank you for any interest you may have in answering me–I am determined to beat this “Gerdy problem”.
Peptic ZC By: Pure Encapsulations
Hello, I have had issues with acid reflux/GERD for at least 15 years. I have taken every sort of H2 blockers and PPI’s as prescribed, been scoped, dilated, and still suffer from heartburn, sore throats, wheezy coughs. I have eliminated foods, don’t eat anything hours before bed, down to 100 pounds, I never smoked, don’t drink. What else can I do to get some lasting relief? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Julie,
I e-mailed you a free copy of my book Fix Your Gut. It should be able to help with your issues. Read the chapters on GERD and LERD.
John, thank you, thank you so much. I feel that I can get better if I have the knowledge and tools to address my issues. Thanks for your help.
hi sir! ive been diagnosed with Gerd and im having a sorethroat for 4months ive had taken omeprazole 2x a day for 1 month but to no effect my doctor prescribed me refluxid duo and its almost a month now. i avoided most of the foods most of the time i ate oatmeal and pourage. i dont know what else to do. hope you can help me. thank you very much sir
Can you send me this book to? I have belching so bad and can’t breath unless belch . Can eat very little then I can’t breath. I have to take zantac just to breath and belch. This is all new. Been taking ppr to for 4 weeks ….
Of course.
Will L-Glutamine heal the LES ?
It could help with LES repair BUT if you are having LES issues from having uppergut overgrowth it could worsen it as well. If you take glutamine and it causes anxiety, depression, mania, or increased inflammation or pain, stop it you probably either have uppergut overgrowth or a mutation of GAD1
I have suffered from chronic cough all my life on and off I am now 68. It was really bad last year and went to the doc who gave me inhalers, sent me for a chest xray and lung function test. Xray clear LFT borderline so said I might have mild COPD. However, I am not so sure. My congestion is in my throat and I wheeze on and off and that comes from my throat, nose and even ear. The inhalers help a bit so doc said it can’t be LPR. I wonder if it is despite what he says or could it be post nasal drip. Yesterday for instance perfectly well all morning, had lunch and three hours later congested and coughing.
I’d really appreciate your comments on this
Check your reference about citrus fruits weakening the LES as it does not appear to be correct.
Possibly, I will talk more in depth about this matter later in food blogs and how what we eat effects the LES and issues that arise from that. Citrus could have the same mechanism as mint in that it irritates damaged mucosal tissue because of the low pH, therefore needs to be avoided anyway.
If the two week melatonin-diet doesn’t help, may the other stuff still help? I have mild looseness in GE-junction, basically weakened LES. If I start taking all these supplements, does taking PPI-medication have negative effect on them?
PPI medication may reduce some of the effectiveness of the supplements. It is also best to increase melatonin endogenously.
Is there any anecdotal info or studies on whether any of these supplements can help regenerate damaged LES cells? I ask because I am told there is no cure for this (achalasia) ) but I refuse to give up hope that I can at least keep the swallowing function that I do have. My doc said the results were off-the/charts bad, (supposedly absent peristalsis) but by their measurements I should not be able to swallow at all.
Any thoughts on nutritive help greatly appreciated.
E-mailed you some info. Good luck!
Could I possibly receive that info as well? Much appreciated, thank you.
Hi, can I also get the info? I’ve been diagnosed with gastritis, bulbitis and esophagitis type B about 10 months ago, and now I’ve been able to tone it down to type A with no erosion to the mucosa, which is good. But I’m looking for a long-term solutions since I’m only 26 and I don’t want to take meds until the rst of my life. I’m off PPI and antacids, since I’ve read that they’re not so healthy in the long run.
I’ve tried with melatonin, for 40 days. I’m not sure if it’s worked. Probably did, at least a little bit.
Would you email me the same?
Hi I had a problem with both acid reflux and retrograde ejaculation about 2 years ago. As I had studied clinical nutrition i decided to use “CalMag” a calcium/magnesium supplement fron Nutri Advanced in the Uk. Not only did it eleviate both of these conditions after a month of treatment at a theraputic dose, I found it also had a positive effect on my constipation. and i continue to use it one month on and two months off at a maintanance dose. This is anecdotal evidence I know so do your own research before taking the plunge and following me, please!!
I am extremely interested in your recommendation to use Calcium Citrate, as I had the same idea myself. My only concern is that it will cause a Magnesium deficiency. Do you have any thoughts on this?
It possibly could if you supplemented with it over a long period of time. What about trying some transdermal magnesium to help balance it?
Great post – does Serotonin not relax the LES? Have heard numerous people say it, is that why you say only to take for 2 weeks? Is there a reason that melatonin does not have the same time frame? many thanks
Serotonin may relax the LES you are correct about that. That is the reason the 5-HTP is given at night to help increase melatonin as well as serotonin production strictly in the bowels. Serotonin contracts muscles. We know that melatonin is also produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria, its current use by the body is up for debate, but I believe it contracts the LES, which is why we do not get reflux at night. I recommend only taking it for two weeks, because manipulation of neurotransmitters long term unless absolutely needed is not a good idea. I have revised the recommendation on melatonin, thank you, high doses of melatonin should not be taken forever because of reports of hormonal disruption.
ok they both have alcohol in them I was wondering how much we should take in a whole day (assuming they’re right before meals split in 3-4 divided doses for 3-4 meals in one day)
ok they both have alcohol in them I was wondering how much we should take in a whole day (assuming they’re right before meals split in 3-4 divided doses for 3-4 meals in one day)
You can always use the non-alcohol kind which would be more “Bulletproof”.
does the NatureWorks brand have gentian in it? I read the list of nutrition facts for it from many sites and I cannot seem to find gentian.
does the NatureWorks brand have gentian in it? I read the list of nutrition facts for it from many sites and I cannot seem to find gentian.
It doesn’t the gentian is separate, I have added some brands of it on the post now.