Fix Your Gut
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Adrenal Cocktail, the Best Way to Start Your Day With Multiple Recipes!
Adrenal Cocktail, the Best Way to Start Your Day With Multiple Recipes! Many people that I have coached need a pick-me-up in the morning, which is why coffee addiction is a real issue in our modern world. In most cities there is a Starbucks on every corner. Americans...
Biofilm: Why It Might Be Hard to Resolve Dysbiosis and How to Reduce It
Biofilm is any group of microorganisms that stick together in a large colony on a surface. Bacteria, for example, adhere themselves to a surface, and other bacteria using tiny hair-like appendages called pili. They also form polysaccharide matrices to enclose the...
Fix Your Gut’s Top Four Recommended Probiotic Strains
Probiotics should not be taken every day for digestive illnesses or overall health. If you need to supplement with probiotics on a daily basis to help with your digestive woes, then you have an underlying issue that probiotics are masking. Probiotics can also become...
Dirty Genes, Book Review and Is The Book Worth Reading?
I follow Dr. Ben Lynch's work and was happy months ago when I discovered that he was releasing a book which would later be known as Dirty Genes. Our genes control a lot of our everyday lives, though so does our microbiome and environment which change our gene...
Celiac Disease, Is the Ingestion of Gluten the Only Cause?
Fix Your Gut Podcast #7 - Celiac Disease, Gluten, and Grains Most people love to eat bread. Nothing is better than the smell of a fresh loaf of bread baking in the oven. Who does not miss eating a delicious hot slice of pizza if you have given up gluten? Occasionally,...
Kombucha, Will It Improve Your Health or Make You Ill, A Review
The kombucha craze has hit the mainstream and beyond. Every grocery store I shop has a kombucha section in the produce aisle, with many different brands. I walked into my local Vitamin Shoppe the other day and saw that they had added an organic kombucha tap. The store...
Quinolone Antibiotics and Their Effects on our Mitochondria and Health
Fluoroquinolone (FLUORIDE!) antibiotics like Cipro and Levaquin have been getting plenty of negative press over the years for the mitochondrial damage that they can cause. The term “floxxed” has been used for the semi-permanent or permanent side effects of these...
Abdominal Hernia Repair, What Is The Best Surgical Method and How To Recover
I suffered from a incisional abdominal wall hernia when I was an adolescent. My appendix burst, and later exploratory surgery had to be performed to drain abscesses. The incision left me with a massive scar and a weak abdominal wall. I then developed an incisional...
Testosterone and Its Importance For Proper Digestive Health
The primary female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone have been studied more when it comes to their effect on digestion compared to the primary male sex hormone testosterone. You can read hundreds of articles on the internet about symptoms of low testosterone (low...
Even UFC Champion, Georges St-Pierre, Suffers From Ulcerative Colitis
Many people come to Fix Your Gut frustrated and looking for answers or information to assist them and their doctors with figuring out and solving a gut issue. Often they feel like it is only happening to them. They are ill because of their poor lifestyle choices, and...
What’s in Your Water and How to Purify It for Optimal Health
The water you consume daily could be contributing to your health issues. Even when it appears to be crystal clear is often contaminated in our modern world. Plagued by everything from natural contamination to human-made pollution entering the supply, what you are...
Upper Gut Dysbiosis, Anxiety, Brain Fog, Fatigue, Is Ammonia the Cause?
When someone is suffering from dysbiosis, imbalances within the body can readily occur and make people ill. Upper gut dysbiosis is becoming more well-known and is separate from SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and colonic overgrowth. With new research, we...