Fix Your Gut


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Does Alkaline Water Affect Your Gut Microbiome?

Does Alkaline Water Affect Your Gut Microbiome?

I wrote a blog years ago discussing a widely asked question at the time: Does supplementing ascorbic acid affect our microbiome negatively? My research concluded that supplemented ascorbic acid, unless buffered, has a low pH, and our stomach is supposed to be acidic,...

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What’s The Best Probiotic for Newborns?

What’s The Best Probiotic for Newborns?

Were you aware that newborns or infants sometimes should have probiotics given to them? Probiotics should be treated as medicine, and most people should not pick up any random probiotic supplement and start taking it whenever they have digestive issues. In addition,...

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Optimizing Your Health for Truck Driving

Optimizing Your Health for Truck Driving

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, truck driving is the most common job in the United States.  Truck drivers play an extremely important role in our supply chain, but driving for ten hours a day, and not having a kitchen can lead to some poor health outcomes...

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How to Use a Somnomed Device to Fix Sleep Apnea

How to Use a Somnomed Device to Fix Sleep Apnea

Guest post by Alex Arrick My dad struggled with sleep apnea for years all throughout his late 30s and 40s. He used to walk into doctors' offices and tell them "I think I have sleep apnea." He was laughed out of the room on more than one occasion. This was the...

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