Fix Your Gut
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Postbiotics: How to Use Them, Their Benefits, and Our Recommendations
Postbiotics is a recent buzzword being talked about in the news. Many people know about probiotics, fewer know about prebiotics, and almost no one has heard of postbiotics. Probiotics are supplements that contain hopefully beneficial microorganisms that colonize your...
Does Alkaline Water Affect Your Gut Microbiome?
I wrote a blog years ago discussing a widely asked question at the time: Does supplementing ascorbic acid affect our microbiome negatively? My research concluded that supplemented ascorbic acid, unless buffered, has a low pH, and our stomach is supposed to be acidic,...
Using Pylopass™ for H. Pylori Control and Upper Gut Dysbiosis
Do you feel bloated during or after a meal? Have you ballooned so severely that you needed to loosen your belt? Ever find yourself frequently belching after a meal? How embarrassing! Does your stomach burn some time or feel like you have swallowed a lump of hot coal?...
Dopamine Detox – Part IV – Human Sexuality (Members only)
The Tara Flour-Fueled Story Behind Daily Harvest’s Recall
In June 2022, Daily Harvest was forced to issue a recall after numerous people became severely ill (some requiring hospitalization) after consuming various products from their online food delivery company. They first thought that the contamination was limited to...
What’s The Best Probiotic for Newborns?
Were you aware that newborns or infants sometimes should have probiotics given to them? Probiotics should be treated as medicine, and most people should not pick up any random probiotic supplement and start taking it whenever they have digestive issues. In addition,...
Betaine HCL, Will It Improve Your Digestion, GERD, or LPR?
Betaine HCL, Will It Improve Your Digestion, GERD, or LPR? One of the many causes of reflux disorders appears to occur from having an elevated stomach pH. I know that is counter to everything you have heard from mainstream medicine. Most people are told that they have...
Optimizing Your Health for Truck Driving
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, truck driving is the most common job in the United States. Truck drivers play an extremely important role in our supply chain, but driving for ten hours a day, and not having a kitchen can lead to some poor health outcomes...
Flu Shots Are Ineffective, How to Protect Yourself or Recover from the Flu
Fix Your Gut Podcast on Flu Vaccinations and Why We Consider Them to Be Ineffective at Best and Harmful at Worst, Information on How to Protect Yourself and Lessen Influenza Flu Shots Are Ineffective, How to Protect Yourself or Recover from the Flu Winter is coming!...
How to Use a Somnomed Device to Fix Sleep Apnea
Guest post by Alex Arrick My dad struggled with sleep apnea for years all throughout his late 30s and 40s. He used to walk into doctors' offices and tell them "I think I have sleep apnea." He was laughed out of the room on more than one occasion. This was the...
Coronavirus, What Is It, Symptoms, Prevention, and Hopefully Relief!
Tragically, as everyone is well aware, there is supposedly a viral pandemic sweeping the Earth. The 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19) is novel, meaning it is different from any Coronavirus strain that we know of that has caused infections before. Other serious novel...
Medications Harming Your Digestive Health – Miralax
The Center for Disease Control reports that, on average, a doctor will see fifty patients each day. Each patient will average eight minutes with their doctor, and eighty-eight percent of patients that visit their doctor are prescribed medications.[1....