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IBSchek, a New Test to Determine SIBO?
A new test has been made available to aid in the diagnosis of SIBO. The test is known as IBSchek and is available through Commonwealth Laboratories, Inc. Here is a video of Dr. Pimentel discussing the test: Finally, a blood test that can be used to diagnose SIBO. No...
FYG Dining out Guide – Jason’s Deli
Depending on where you live in the United States, eating out somewhat healthy can be difficult. I live in Fayetteville, North Carolina, a small southern city, with very few healthy places to eat. I try to prepare and eat most of my meals at home where it is much...
Why I Am Not Just Paleo
First off, I am not against the Paleo Diet. But I am Not Just Paleo either. The Paleo Diet brought a lot of mainstream awareness to healthy dieting (positive or negative,) and improved a lot of people's lives. No diet, however, is perfect for everyone. I am however...
Is L-Ascorbic Acid the Same as Vitamin C? Part 1
The following blog post tackles a big question that consistently makes its rounds around the Internet. Is L-ascorbic acid that is used in supplements the same as plant sourced vitamin C? I could end your trouble of reading this blog right now with a simple answer and...
How Can You Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue? Blood Cortisol Test
Unlike the ACTH stimulation test, a blood cortisol serum test is very accurate in determining a one-time cortisol level. Then why do I not recommend this form of testing when it comes to diagnosing adrenal fatigue? Like most adrenal fatigue testing methods, the blood...
How Can You Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue? ACTH Stimulation Test
The last blog entry posted related to adrenal fatigue was on self-diagnostic tests that could be performed at home. These tests can help you determine if more testing is needed to find out the state of health of your adrenal glands. Today we are going to discuss one...
Is There Too Much Manganese In Your Multivitamin?
Manganese hypermineralosis is a real possibility with most of the multivitamin supplements on the market today. Manganese deficiency even in people eating the horrid standard American diet is extremely rare; most people get more than the two mg daily they need for...
How do You Know If You Have Great Gut Health?
How do you know if you have a perfect gut? I get asked this question a lot. On forums, by coaching clients, and on podcasts. Do you want the honest answer? No one knows. We know so little about the gut flora and gut bacteria we honestly have no idea. We know that some...
Why I Do Not Recommend Dr. Ohhira’s “Probiotic”, a Review
Everyone believes I have a vendetta against HSO's. Maybe I do, maybe I do not. Honestly, I am just tired of everyone saying that HSO's or that probiotics in general have no side effects whatsoever and that they are perfectly safe. Probiotics are our friends everyone...
How Can You Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue? Self Diagnostic Tests
There are many different tests that can be performed to diagnose adrenal fatigue. Which tests are the most accurate? Should you base whether you have adrenal fatigue or not based on your symptoms instead of test results? There are some tests that you can perform at...
Organisms Inside You – Part 3: Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba histolytica is an opportunistic protozoan. Infection of the parasite occurs from ingestion of contaminated food and water. The parasite usually remains in the colon and cecum but can cause invasive infections in immunocompromised individuals. Histolytica can...
Why Supplementing With Probiotics May Make You Ill – Part 1: Histamine
Probiotics are important in maintaining our gut flora, but they can still cause issues just like any supplement and most issues with supplementation go unreported on the natural health blogosphere. Everyone writes about the pros of taking probiotics, but what are the...