Fix Your Gut
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Arabinogalactan Prebiotic Fiber: I’m Cautiously Optimistic, A Review
Here at Fix Your Gut we have written a lot about different prebiotics and how their use may or may not help improve your digestive health. There are few prebiotics that I recommend; there are some that I am more reserved to recommend, and one that I believe should be...
Diarrhea From MCT Oil – Why Having “Disaster Pants” Is Not as Funny as It Sounds
Issues Ingesting Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, Brain Octane Oil? Here Is Why and How to Change It. I'll never forget the first time I tried MCT oil. It was the time of kale shakes, and I decided to replace my coconut oil with MCT oil. I used roughly the same volume, and it...
Do You Have an Autoimmune Disease or an Infection?
I apologize for the very short post, but I want people to see this chart and realize the significance of it. Microbiology is my passion. I believe that most chronic diseases and so-called "autoimmune" disorders are infections. I have already blogged that H. pylori is...
H. pylori, Evil Mastermind or Ally? Part 3
In this blog series, I have written a lot about the proposed positives of H. pylori colonization. However, it is widely known that this bacteria causes a lot of health issues and concerns if left unchecked by our immune system. So when H. pylori are no longer our ally...
Bismuth: When Should It Be Used to Improve Your Digestive Health?
Here at Fix Your Gut we may seem harsh on most medications that are recommended for digestion. Our opinionated views on medications may be true, but we are equally harsh on supplements that we feel may cause issues with their use as well. However, there are some...
Black Belt Nutrition Review
Black Belt Nutrition Black Belt Nutrition was founded by Patrik Dahlin, a biochemist who is also a coach for the Swedish FILA National Grappling Team. I chose to review this program because I am a huge fan of martial arts, and I would like to start competing again. At...
Why Supplementing With Probiotics May Make You Ill – Part 4: D-lactate
Many people with digestive issues cannot tolerate probiotics. Some people mention that when they ingest probiotics, their brain fog worsens. Does the increase of cognitive issues from ingesting probiotics occur only from immune system up-regulation and die off, or...
Bulletproof Lifestyle, A Review: Part 1 – Diet
A lot of people know I am an advocate for certain healthy lifestyles. The Bulletproof lifestyle happens to be one lifestyle that I recommend to some people. That being said no lifestyle or diet is perfect for everyone. People ask me all the time, what diet do I...
Yogurt as a Probiotic, A Review
Yogurt is a "go to" probiotic for many people. A lot of doctors and pharmacists will advise their patients to eat yogurt when taking an antibiotic. They like it too because it is low in fat and is in a good position on the FDA food pyramid. In this article, we are...
Why I am Split on Recommending Kefir, A Review
Most people in the health blogosphere focus on the positives of kefir; it is the bee's knees! However, what about the negatives of ingesting the probiotic drink? Why do so many of the clients I coach seem to be intolerant of the beverage? It is chocked full of strains...
Endotoxin: Part 2 – How Opportunistic Bacteria Damage Your Liver
Although I am probably in the minority, I enjoy returning to work after the holiday. It is just the right amount of rest that I need to recharge and get back to it. I am fortunate to have a job that I enjoy. Not many people have that privilege. I overheard some of my...
Diet and Post Holiday Depression
"When's the last time you ate a vegetable?" I asked at the dinner table last night. "Do chocolate covered potato chips count as a vegetable? Potatoes grow in the ground, right?" With each passing meal, the Christmas lights seem to glow a little dimmer, the children...