Optimize Your Gut Health
Our top supplement recommendations – in one convenient PDF

Medications Harming Your Digestive Health – PPI – Updated 2023
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De2AKUpj2Fo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMl-mIKU764 Forty-eight percent of America suffers from heartburn at least once every month. Forty-eight percent! Some seek over-the-counter remedies, and others get medical advice from their...
Does Frequent nnEMf Radiation Exposure Effect Our Microbiome Health?
Many people love the convenience of the Internet of things in their modern lives. How much do you rely on your cell phone and wireless technology to improve your quality of life throughout the day? Having your thermostat connected to your router, which you can...
Five FODMAPs That You Might Surprise You
Are you following a low FODMAP diet to improve your gut health? There are some hidden FODMAPs that might not show up on the popular lists. Here are some of the lesser known FODMAPs that could be preventing you from achieving your optimal gastrointestinal function:...
5 Easy Ways to Relieve Chronic Constipation
Constipation is uncomfortable, it increases your risk of appendicitis, metabolic disorders like obesity and/or diabetes, and even increases your risk of cancer. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some easy ways...
Harmoni Pendant: A Case Study on Predatorial Marketing Tactics and the People who Enable Them
When I see a product like the Harmoni Pendant, I ask myself how a product like this was able to get onto the market. Who is to blame? Is it the founder? Maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he honestly believes in this stuff, and despite having a...
Is Inulin Good for Dysbiosis? A Cautious Recommendation
Prebiotics are various compounds in our food that stimulate the growth of microorganisms. Using prebiotics to hopefully improve your microbiome's health should be utilized with the upmost caution if you are suffering from digestive issues. You do not want to use the...
What is Eosinophilic Esophagitis and How to Hopefully Find Relief
Eosinophilic esophagitis is a medical condition that affects more people than initially believed. Eosinophilic esophagitis was once thought of as only being a rare case-reportable medical condition. Eosinophilic esophagitis presents itself as many different conditions...
Does Frequent Meat Ingestion Cause Heart Disease? TMAO
Alarmist research and media headlines pop up yearly to show that a diet rich in red meat consumption may increase your chances of developing or worsening heart disease from the endogenous production of TMAO by our microbiome. Every year we see a new headline pop up...
Silent Reflux (LERD/LPR), Causes and Relief – Updated 2023
Silent Reflux, Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LERD or LPR) - Causes, How to Diagnose It Properly, and How to Find Relief! My Personal Struggle with Silent Reflux I remember the day I first became chronically ill like it was yesterday. I was at my grandmother-in-law’s house...
Atrantil Review, Can It Improve SIBO, Constipation, and IBS Symptoms?
Atrantil is a supplement that may help people suffering from SIBO-C (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth with constipation) or methane (archaea) dominant SIBO. I have done a lot of research into this supplement to see if it can live up to its promise to help; you...
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Our coaches’ expertise is grounded in decades of field work and science.