Optimize Your Gut Health
Our top supplement recommendations – in one convenient PDF

Flu Shots Are Ineffective, How to Protect Yourself or Recover from the Flu
Fix Your Gut Podcast on Flu Vaccinations and Why We Consider Them to Be Ineffective at Best and Harmful at Worst, Information on How to Protect Yourself and Lessen Influenza Flu Shots Are Ineffective, How to Protect Yourself or Recover from the Flu Winter is coming!...
How to Know Which Multivitamin Supplement Is Best for You? Part 1
Part 1 - What to Look for and What to Avoid in a Multivitamin Supplement There are always multiple threads on any given health forum that are dedicated to the further quandary of what the best multivitamin is that an individual can take. I hate to break it to you, but...
Improve Your Mitochondria Part 3: On The Importance L-carnitine
We all wish we could have more energy right? Americans are working more all the time and sleeping less every day. This excess stress creates havoc in both our minds and inside our exhausted bodies as well. Americans spend increasing amounts of money each year to...
ThatStevenBaker on the Importance of Krill Oil
This guest blog post comes from ThatStevenBaker from the Bulletproof Executive Forums. He is an excellent poster on the forum and is world renowned for his quick Aussie wit. That being said this Steven Baker, not to be confused with that other Steven Baker, you know...
Improve Your Mitochondria Part 2: How to Fix Your Mitochondria With Supplements That Promote Healthy Mitocondrial Function!
Since we have learned the importance of our mitochondria functioning optimally in the last post, then what supplements should be taken daily to facilitate the idea of healthy mitochondria? Quite a few supplements can be taken to help with promoting healthy...
Improve Your Mitochondria Part 1: The Function of Your Mitochondria
Mitochondria: Are One of the most important structures of the cell, and they determine if your cells live or die! A Mitochondrion is a membrane-enclosed organelle structure found within all cells in the human body. These structures are known as the "power plants" of...
Natural L-glutamine / Homemade Cabbage Juice!
L-glutamine is an amino acid that is used by the body for protein synthesis, regulation of acid-base balance in the kidneys, cellular energy, nitrogen donation, and is also a nontoxic transporter of ammonia in blood circulation. The greatest consumer of L-glutamine in...
Buying Your Supplements Local, the Pros and Cons
Buying Locally: Local Health Food Stores and Corporations Most people purchase their supplements online nowadays because of the ease of use. They buy their products from online retailers and receive their purchase on their doorstep the next day. I order mine online on...
Affiliate Links, Why I Use Them on FixYourGut.Com
I am going to be upfront and honest with you, my blog visitors. I use affiliate links to the products that I recommend and believe in on FixYourGut.com. The income earned from these affiliates goes to providing crucial content for the site, and the income is also used...
Every Gut is Unique.
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