Optimize Your Gut Health
Our top supplement recommendations – in one convenient PDF

Postbiotics: How to Use Them, Their Benefits, and Our Recommendations
Postbiotics is a recent buzzword being talked about in the news. Many people know about probiotics, fewer know about prebiotics, and almost no one has heard of postbiotics. Probiotics are supplements that contain hopefully beneficial microorganisms that colonize your...
Prebiotics That Deserve an Honorable Mention
I recommend the use of GOS as a prebiotic if you so choose to use one. The science behind GOS's seems to recommend that it is the safest prebiotic supplement and has the least chance of causing SIBO or SIYO. I have written a blog post in the past about why I cannot...
Three Supplements That Can Improve the Integrity of Your Digestive System
Your gastrointestinal system has to deal with a daily onslaught of toxins, food allergies, lectins, and GMO's that degrade the integrity of your digestive system. Are there any supplements that can help keep your digestive system in optimal health? 3. NAG NAG is a...
All About Parasites and How to Reduce Your Parasitical Biome
Even in the United States, it is still easy to become infected with parasites through contaminated water, [1. http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/water.html] ingesting meat that isn't cooked completely, [2. http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/trichinellosis/gen_info/faqs.html]...
Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue?
Adrenal fatigue is a very complex medical condition. I could spend hours writting about the hypothalamic, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, gonadal axis (HPTAG axis) and how it affects our health. If you want to read more about adrenal fatigue to get a more of a complex...
What to do for Hiatal Hernias and Squatting to Relieve Constipation!
GERD Protocol 12 - Hiatal Hernia A hiatal hernia is the protrusion of the upper part of the stomach into the thoracic cavity through a weakness in the diaphragm. There are two different types of hiatal hernias.[1. Beers, Mark, The Merck Manual, Merck Research...
Constipation, What Is It, What Causes It, and How to Find Relief
Constipation Relief! Constipation creates multiple problems in the body and can manifest itself in different ways. Constipation can eventually cause toxins to build up in the body from a lack of bowel transit time. Slow moving waste through the colon ferments longer,...
ALS Ice Bucket Fraud?
First off, I want to begin this blog post by saying that I am not against donating in general. I donate to local charities whenever I can because I believe that the larger the charity the more waste and embezzlement there is at the top. Donating time to help people...
Digest Gold, Digestive Enzyme Supplement Recommendation, a Review
There are many great reasons why Enzymedica manufacturers of Digest Gold can call themselves The Enzyme Experts. They include:[1. http://www.enzymedica.com/about-us/who-we-are.html] [2....
Whats New With Xylitol: Is It Safe?
I stumbled upon many different posts recently about xylitol. These posts always contain the same questions/comments: Is it safe? Xylitol gives me diarrhea! Is it Bulletproof? Will it spike my blood sugar? Will it harm the bacteria in my digestive tract? What should I...
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