Optimize Your Gut Health

Our top supplement recommendations – in one convenient PDF

Fix Your Gut: The Definitive Guide to Digestive Disorders



Campylobacter, A Cause of SIBO

Campylobacter, A Cause of SIBO

Can one bout of food poisoning lead to SIBO?  Cases of viral gastroenteritis have been linked to the development of SIBO, but what about food poisoning caused by bacterial toxins? Campylobacter Does this sound familiar? You just got over a bad case of food poisoning....

GOS: A Recommended Prebiotic to Improve Your Microbiome

GOS: A Recommended Prebiotic to Improve Your Microbiome

GOS's are a form of prebiotics that have great benefit to people with digestive issues. What Are GOS's? Galacto-oligosaccharides are a chain of galactose (monosaccharide sugar) units that are produced by the enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose. Like other prebiotics,...

Microorganisms Making You Ill? Try Activated Charcoal!

Microorganisms Making You Ill? Try Activated Charcoal!

Herxheimer reactions. One of the banes of my existence as a health consultant. Can they be reduced from activated charcoal absorbing bacterial toxins? What is a herxheimer reaction? It is the bodies immune system's reaction to a heavy burden of toxins (mainly...

AO+ Mist – Skin Probiotic Review

AO+ Mist – Skin Probiotic Review

Here at Fix Your Gut, we talk a lot about the gut microbiome, but what about the skin microbiome? We do just as much, if not more to manipulate the bacteria of our skin, and it may not be to our advantage. Our modern hygiene practices encourage the use of...

H. pylori, Evil Mastermind or Ally? Part 1

H. pylori, Evil Mastermind or Ally? Part 1

Here at Fix Your Gut we have discussed at length about H. pylori. There is a lot of ongoing research being done to determine H. pylori's coexistence with humans. Is it commensal, or severely opportunistic? Is it normal flora? Jason Hooper and I have both written about...

Low Carb Diets and the Gut

Low Carb Diets and the Gut

The human diet has an enormous impact on the quantity and quality of bacteria in the gut. In 2013, a team of scientists showed that a change in diet can radically alter the microbiome after just four days [1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3957428/]. Will...

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