Optimize Your Gut Health

Our top supplement recommendations – in one convenient PDF

Fix Your Gut: The Definitive Guide to Digestive Disorders



Bulletproof Lifestyle, A Review: Part 1 – Diet

Bulletproof Lifestyle, A Review: Part 1 – Diet

A lot of people know I am an advocate for certain healthy lifestyles. The Bulletproof lifestyle happens to be one lifestyle that I recommend to some people. That being said no lifestyle or diet is perfect for everyone. People ask me all the time, what diet do I...

Yogurt as a Probiotic, A Review

Yogurt as a Probiotic, A Review

Yogurt is a "go to" probiotic for many people. A lot of doctors and pharmacists will advise their patients to eat yogurt when taking an antibiotic. They like it too because it is low in fat and is in a good position on the FDA food pyramid. In this article, we are...

Why I am Split on Recommending Kefir, A Review

Why I am Split on Recommending Kefir, A Review

Most people in the health blogosphere focus on the positives of kefir; it is the bee's knees! However, what about the negatives of ingesting the probiotic drink? Why do so many of the clients I coach seem to be intolerant of the beverage? It is chocked full of strains...

Diet and Post Holiday Depression

Diet and Post Holiday Depression

"When's the last time you ate a vegetable?" I asked at the dinner table last night. "Do chocolate covered potato chips count as a vegetable? Potatoes grow in the ground, right?" With each passing meal, the Christmas lights seem to glow a little dimmer, the children...

H. pylori, Evil Mastermind or Ally? Part 2

H. pylori, Evil Mastermind or Ally? Part 2

More and more people are contacting me with H. pylori overgrowth. Some just have symptoms of overgrowth; others have tested positive for the bacteria. One person I coached had multiple H. pylori tests done; they kept coming back negative. Even though this person had a...

Can Poor Digestion Cause Panic Disorder? Part 1: CCK

Can Poor Digestion Cause Panic Disorder? Part 1: CCK

Many of the chemicals on that list are neurotransmitters that are not at all surprising. There is currently plenty of exciting research going on trying to link the brain and gut together. This blog article will focus on CCK(cholecystokinin) and how it relates to our...

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