Optimize Your Gut Health
Our top supplement recommendations – in one convenient PDF

Fix Your Gut Sadly Does Not Recommend Atrantil Pro
When a client told me that Dr. Kenneth Brown had released a new supplement called Atrantil Pro, I became excited and had to check it out. I recommend Atrantil for many clients suffering from methane-dominant archaeal dysbiosis causing Small Intestinal Bacterial...
Improve Your Health for Free: Use Sunlight for Vitamin D
What is one thing that everyone can do free to improve his or her health? Increasing proper sunlight exposure! In this post, we are going to cover endogenous vitamin D production from sunlight and how it can change your life. Most people do not get enough sun...
Elevated Amount of Glyphosate Found in Oat Products, What to Watch For
Do you want more oats for breakfast with your daily dose of glyphosate? A recent report released by the advocacy group Environmental Working Group (EWG) measures the amount of glyphosate in favorite breakfast products that contain oats. Many brands of different...
Ketogenic Diets, Your Gut, Health, and How To Properly Follow Them
Eating a diet lower in carbohydrates is quite popular. I believe that low carb diets, very-low carb diets, and even no carb diets (carnivorism) do have their place in improving the health of many people, but ketogenic diets must be followed correctly. Jason Hooper has...
Troubled Breathing (Dyspnea) Linked to Upper Gut Issues and Reflux
Upper gut digestive issues as the cause of shortness of breath are widespread and overlooked. Many people go to their doctors complaining of breathing issues and are told their lungs are healthy. Your lungs sound clear, your oxygen saturation is healthy, and your...
Natural Wound Care, What I Keep in My Medicine Cabinet
I receive many E-mails asking me what some good topical products to help prevent infections, reduce skin dysbiosis, and to soothe wounds and burns. My child has a cut on their arm, what should I put on it instead of Neosporin? Do natural products work as well to keep...
Adrenal Cocktail, the Best Way to Start Your Day With Multiple Recipes!
Adrenal Cocktail, the Best Way to Start Your Day With Multiple Recipes! Many people that I have coached need a pick-me-up in the morning, which is why coffee addiction is a real issue in our modern world. In most cities there is a Starbucks on every corner. Americans...
Biofilm: Why It Might Be Hard to Resolve Dysbiosis and How to Reduce It
Biofilm is any group of microorganisms that stick together in a large colony on a surface. Bacteria, for example, adhere themselves to a surface, and other bacteria using tiny hair-like appendages called pili. They also form polysaccharide matrices to enclose the...
Fix Your Gut’s Top Four Recommended Probiotic Strains
Probiotics should not be taken every day for digestive illnesses or overall health. If you need to supplement with probiotics on a daily basis to help with your digestive woes, then you have an underlying issue that probiotics are masking. Probiotics can also become...
Dirty Genes, Book Review and Is The Book Worth Reading?
I follow Dr. Ben Lynch's work and was happy months ago when I discovered that he was releasing a book which would later be known as Dirty Genes. Our genes control a lot of our everyday lives, though so does our microbiome and environment which change our gene...
Every Gut is Unique.
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We understand everyone is unique and may require a unique approach to gain optimal health.

A Lifetime of Dedication to Optimal Gut Health
Our coaches’ expertise is grounded in decades of field work and science.