Optimize Your Gut Health
Our top supplement recommendations – in one convenient PDF

Resolution of Upper Gut (H. pylori) Dysbiosis – Updated 2023
GERD Protocol 2: Reduction of H. pylori More updated information about H. pylori! Upper Gut Protocols: Resolution of Upper Gut Dysbiosis / Repairing Ulcers Upper Gut Dysbiosis Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) information and diagnosis have been a strong...
Quality Supplement Companies, Who Makes the Best Supplements?
Fix Your Gut Live Stream - Problems Within the Supplement Industry and Who We Recommend The Difference in Choosing Quality Companies for Your Supplements The average American purchases many of their supplements from Walmart or the local pharmacy that are of poor...
Endoscopy What Your Doctor Does Not Inform You Of and How to Recover
Endoscopy What Your Doctor Does Not Inform You About the Procedure and How to Recover Endoscopy procedures are frequently performed in people with gut issues. Many people that I have coached have had the procedure carried out to try to determine the extent of their...
GERD (Heartburn), Causes, Treatment Issues, Supplements, and Relief
Fix Your Gut Podcast on GERD The Causes, What Your Doctor Does Not Tell You, and How to Find Relief Increased Gastric Pressure and Heartburn/GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Heartburn (GERD) is mainly caused by too much intra-abdominal pressure on the stomach...
Bile Reflux, Weak Pyloric Sphincter, and How to Improve Fat Digestion
Fat digestion and assimilation are essential for overall health. Many of my clients with upper gut dysbiosis have issues digesting fat, causing bile reflux and pyloric sphincter insufficiency. Ketogenic diets that are high in fat are a recent fad, and many people are...
DGL Licorice for Relief from Reflux (GERD), Ulcers, HIT, and Gastritis
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a prized root with demonstrated countless health benefits when used properly. Licorice can improve your gastrointestinal health, reduce bacterial dysbiosis (including H. pylori), help you to overcome viruses, reduce inflammation and...
Nicotinamide Riboside, Unbounded Energy, Benefits, and Side Effects
Nicotinamide Riboside, Unbounded Energy, Benefits, and Side Effects Most of us wish that we could have more energy in the modern rat race we live in. Ranging from the person that takes a quick nap during their lunch break at work to the person who has chronic fatigue...
D-limonene, the Important Supplement to Relieve Heartburn, a Review
If there were one "magic" supplement, that could improve reflux symptoms for most people it would be D-limonene. I have taken orange oil myself occasionally throughout the years with mostly positive effects on my H. pylori upper gut dysbiosis. For example, I...
Why I Do Not Recommend AOR Probiotic 3, a Review
When I started researching the Advanced Orthomolecular Research Probiotic 3 supplement for this blog post, I believed that one of the bacteria in it, Clostridium butyricum was extremely beneficial. No probiotic supplement is best for everyone. However, when you...
Circadian Rhythm or When to Eat to Improve Digestion and Weight Loss
We have an internal clock that helps guide us in making healthy decisions in our life. Do you awaken from a good night sleep without the need for an alarm clock? Do you have a bowel movement in the morning when you first wake up? Do you get heartburn at night only if...
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