Constipation Relief!

Constipation creates multiple problems in the body and can manifest itself in different ways. Constipation can eventually cause toxins to build up in the body from a lack of bowel transit time. Slow moving waste through the colon ferments longer, releases excess toxins into the bloodstream because of constant contact with the intestinal wall and facilitates a greater growth of both probiotic and opportunistic bacteria. The extra growth of biotics and increased fermentation of waste in the colon eventually produces more gas in the bowels. You will eventually develop heartburn because of slow gastric emptying, which is caused by excess pressure and bloating in the abdomen area. This extra-added abdominal pressure forces stomach acid through the LES and is the cause of the GERD symptoms. The LES will further weaken. This will cause worsening GERD symptoms. You eventually develop SIBO, leaky gut, greater LES weakness, IBS-C, and stronger GERD. Sadly, all of these medical conditions developed from and spiraled out of control from chronic long term constipation that could have been easily relieved before you became chronically ill.1

I would consider that you might be suffering from some form of constipation if you are not using the bathroom at least twice daily, or at the very least every day. I think that the ideal defecation daily count for most people would be twice daily.2

The main causes of constipation are lack of dietary magnesium, dehydration, lack of proper fiber intake, prescription drugs that can cause constipation (opiates are a prime example), hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue, and lack of exercise. It is safe to treat constipation yourself as long as your bowels are not impacted. If you follow the severe constipation protocol for acute constipation and you still have not produced a bowel movement in a few hours then you might have an impacted colon. Report to the hospital if you have severe abdominal pain, or vomited after ingesting food or liquid, if you think you have an impacted bowel. This is a medical emergency and needs be treated by a doctor immediately!3 4

General Constipation Protocol

Basic Constipation Relief Recommendations – Follow for One Month

Walk for at least thirty minutes daily. Walking helps stimulate bowel movement.5

Stay hydrated – drink filtered water – put 1/4 tsp of good quality sea salt or real salt in a glass of water once a day. Drink at least 64 oz of water daily as long as your kidney function is adequate.6

Use a Squatty Potty when you defecate to retrain your body to squat when you use the toilet.7

Increase Fiber8

Insoluble fiber – choose one:

Fiber from food – choose one:

  • bananas – eat two bananas daily.
  • avocado – eat one whole avocado daily.

Draw More Water Into the Colon

Magnesium malate – 600-1,000 mg daily in divided doses with meals

Sodium ascorbate – 2,000 mg, twice daily

If still constipated in 5 days:

Magnesium 9 and Vitamin C 10 are osmotic laxatives, make sure you do drink water so you don’t become dehydrated.

The fiber recommendations are a combination of insoluble and soluble fiber to bulk up and soften stools.

Basic Chronic Constipation Relief Recommendations (Constipation that has been Going on For More Than A Month) – Follow for Two Months

Walk for at least thirty minutes daily. Walking helps stimulate bowel movement.

Stay hydrated – drink filtered water – put 1/4 tsp of good quality sea salt or real salt in a glass of water once a day. Drink at least 64 oz of water daily as long as your kidney function is adequate.

Use a Squatty Potty when you defecate to retrain your body to squat when you use the toilet.

Increase Fiber

Soluble fiber – choose one (do not use if you have SIBO):

  • chia – drink one tsp. of chia seeds soaked in water for at least 30 minutes for the extra fiber.
  • Now Acacia Fiber – one tablespoon daily.

Insoluble fiber – choose one:

Fiber from food – choose one:

  • bananas – eat two bananas daily.
  • avocado – eat one whole avocado daily.

Draw More Water Into the Colon

Magnesium malate – 600-1,000 mg daily in divided doses with meals

Sodium ascorbate – 2,000 mg, twice daily

Restore Proper Intestine Function Supplements – For a Month

If still constipated in five days:

Magnesium and vitamin C are osmotic laxatives, make sure you do drink water so you don’t become dehydrated.

The fiber recommendations are a combination of insoluble and soluble fiber to bulk up and soften stools.

L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid and helps rebuild both the stomach lining and the gut.11

The curcumin is used to increase immune cells in the gut and heal excess inflammation.12

N-acetylglucosamine is made by the body to increase mucus production in the stomach and gut and to make a protective barrier.13

Severe Constipation Protocol (Follow if No Bowel Movement in a Few Days, Abdominal Pain, Stop immediately If You Vomit and Report to Emergency Room, Use with Caution)

After Bowel Movement Follow Basic Constipation Chronic Relief Protocol

Maintain Proper Chloride Levels in the Stomach for Proper Stomach Acid Production

It is important for optimal stomach health that you have the right amount of salt in your diet. The type of salt also maters so that your body can properly make hydrochloric acid.14 Most commercial salts are full of additives like aluminum, silicon, and phosphates.

Gastric acid is made up of hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride in the stomach.15 I would take 1/8 tsp of non-additive sea salt, Real Salt, or pink salt, in a glass of non-chlorinated warm water upon waking to help adrenal function and to start digestion. If you have low stomach acid I would suggest drinking the salt water formula in small cup of warm non chlorinated water twenty minutes before the start of every meal.

  1. Jones, Wes. Cure Constipation Now, Berkley Trade, July 7, 2009.
  2. Jones, Wes. Cure Constipation Now, Berkley Trade, July 7, 2009.
  3. Jones, Wes. Cure Constipation Now, Berkley Trade, July 7, 2009.
  4. Beers, Mark, The Merck Manual, Merck Research Laboratories, 2006
  5. Jones, Wes. Cure Constipation Now, Berkley Trade, July 7, 2009.
  6. Jones, Wes. Cure Constipation Now, Berkley Trade, July 7, 2009.
  8. Jones, Wes. Cure Constipation Now, Berkley Trade, July 7, 2009.
  14. Beers, Mark, The Merck Manual, Merck Research Laboratories, 2006
  15. Beers, Mark, The Merck Manual, Merck Research Laboratories, 2006